9/26(Sun) - 9/27(Mon)


- Continuation of JDA work.

- Lunch in Tsurutontan. Udon was a little soft.

- Walking from downtown to Cambridge. Across the Harvard Bridge was MIT.


- It's been a while since I've touched Nvivo. I tried to use Nvivo. I imported and coded three sources, but I overdid them in detail. I should code rougher and speedy tomorrow.

- I forgot my Endnote setup, so I contacted support.

- prepared memo about research plan, JDA, QDA, and next book.

- meeting with professor Gordon. 

He enjoyed my first JDA work that I put google search results of Japanese and English. So, I will try to add the JDA search function and the search for newspaper articles in Japan and the US. After that, we talked about an informal seminar and my interview survey. I have a tight schedule for my book manuscript, and he joked I could do it if I didn't sleep.