I finished writing chapter 1 and had a meeting with Gordon-sensei about the interview for the book. I played tennis with Asano-sensei and had dinner with him and lee-sensei.
I sent interview requests to Samuels-sensei, Aldrich-sensei, Kumaki-san and Starr-san and received answers from Samuels-sensei, Aldrich-sensei and Kumaki-san. I also reserved a next meeting about the interview on 11/15 with Gordon-sensei. I checked the assignment using JDA on HIST 2016.
11/3 (wed)
I participated HKS seminar about the statistical issues and revised an AIJ journal paper for review comments.
I played tennis with Ogino-sensei.
I finished revising the AIJ journal paper and submitted it. I participated in HIST 2016. Finally, we came on 3.11. I went to the Widener Library to scan 矢島鈞次(1994) 『1666年ロンドン大火と再建』. I had a procedure to return winter boots on Amazon because it was small.
I started to organize literature about infection disease and the Lisbon earthquake. I realized that the Tokyo Institute of Technology(1953) is perfect and I decided to set that as the main literature about Great London Fire. I went to the Widener Library to scan 見市雅俊(1999)『ロンドン=炎が生んだ世界都市』.
I participated in "RIJS Japan Forum: Andrew Gordon and Michael Reich (Harvard University), "Questioning Vaccine Hesitancy in Japan, Past and Present”.” I found a "responsibility of history" as talked about in the speech when Prof. Gordon was awarded the Prize by the National Institute of Humanities.