Michelle Wu wins historic Boston mayor’s race


What a wonderful and exciting speech. I hope such young leadership will also appear in Japan as soon as possible.


Michelle Wu wins historic Boston mayor’s race, marking a new era for the city. ‘We are ready to meet this moment,’ Wu said during a celebration.


Michelle Wu, the 36-year-old daughter of Taiwanese immigrants and a Boston Public Schools mother who pitched a once parochial city on an unabashedly progressive agenda, captured the Boston mayoralty by a wide margin on Tuesday, shattering barriers to mark a new era in one of the nation’s most durable bastions of white male political power.


Her victory is a triumph of a new Boston over the establishment, a powerful endorsement of the often irreverent style she has brought to a staid city government. Courting a city attached to its traditions, she presented an unapologetic, novel agenda that has already needled many longtime leaders: free public transportation, an entirely new approach to downtown development, rent control, and a municipal-level Green New Deal.


Wu is not only the first woman and first person of color elected mayor, but at 36, also the youngest in nearly a century. She will be the city’s first mayor in over a century who was not born and raised in Boston. With two young sons, she will also be the first mother elected to lead City Hall.


Flanked by supporters wielding purple signs, she looked to the future, pledging to lead “a Boston for everyone.”


“We don’t have to choose between generational change and keeping the streetlights on, between tackling big problems with bold solutions and filling our potholes . . . . All of this is possible,” she said. “We said these things are possible. And today, the voters of Boston said all these things are possible, too.”

「世代交代と街灯の点灯、大きな問題への大胆な解決策と穴埋めのどちらかを選択する必要はありません。. . . すべてが可能なのです」と語りました。「私たちはこれらのことが可能だと言いました。そして今日、ボストンの有権者は、これらすべてのことが可能であると言ったのです」。

Critics, including Essaibi George, have argued that idealistic vision won’t work within the strictures of municipal government.


Wu spins it a different way, calling for sweeping change but starting it by inches. Her “free the T” campaign slogan, she says, would start with axing fares on three bus routes, then expand to the rest of the system. Her proposals for free and accessible public transit seemed outlandish — until Lawrence tested a pilot program to free its bus system. Worcester is exploring a similar route, and Boston is now testing free fares on the Route 28 bus.

Wu氏は、大規模な変化を求めながらも、それを少しずつ始めていくという別の方法をとっています。彼女の「Free the T」キャンペーンのスローガンは、まず3つのバス路線の運賃を廃止し、その後、残りのバス路線にも拡大していくというものです。無料で利用できる公共交通機関という彼女の提案は、突拍子もないものに思えましたが、ローレンスではバスシステムを無料化するパイロットプログラムを実施しました。ウスター市も同様の路線を検討しており、ボストン市では現在、ルート28のバスの運賃を無料にする実験を行っています。

Critics and rivals have scoffed at her Green New Deal for Boston. As city councilor, though, Wu has already spearheaded regulations to protect wetlands from over-development, and pushed Walsh’s administration to take part in a community choice energy program, to help fulfill its commitment to renewable energy.


It’s no longer the Boston of former mayors Martin J. Walsh or Thomas M. Menino, but will be “a whole new city under Mayor Wu,” said Michael McCormack, a longtime Boston politics observer and a former city councilor. “It’s not the old Boston, the old political way of doing things,” McCormack said. “What you’re getting is a new mayor with a new agenda, a new way of doing things, a new attitude.”


It remains to be seen how Wu’s ambitious vision will unfurl within the slow-moving mechanics of city government, where bureaucracy reigns and inertia can shackle.
