12/12 (Sun) - 12/14 (Tue) Snowport / Unsuccessful MassID / Contacted Nakajima-san


I finished reading the conclusion section of Howitt & Leonard 2009 and prepared questions and materials for the interview with Dr. Howitt. Then, I visited the Snowport Christmas Market with the Reischauer members and picked up some documents to apply for Mass ID.


I went to the RMV office in the morning. Unfortunately, I missed the date, and an officer was overbearing again. So, I think I’ll skip applying for Mass ID. After returning to my office, I sent questions to Dr. Howitt for the interview on Wed. Then, I had a meeting with Kijima-san about an interview survey to FEMA. After that, I conducted QDA of JDA search results #US5. It was a typical “American optimism.” 

I sent email to Nakajima-san(NHK). He planned and organized the NHK special about temporary housing following the 3.11 disaster in 2017. I cooperated with his program and appeared the NHK special first time.  I was surprised that it was four years ago.


I conducted QDA of JDA search results #US6 (about event information of the Japan America Society.) Then, I joined a lunch gathering of the RIJS, and I talked to June-san about text mining.

After that, I finished QDA of JDA search results #US6 and #US7 (about the report of the Heritage Foundation published in 2012) and started #US8 (a report of IRIDeS, Tohoku University).  The report of Tohoku University was described based on the Hyogo framework.