On 3/15 (Tue), I watched Drive my car with Reischauer postdocs. I guess it is a sad story before watching it. But it was not. Director Ryusuke Hamaguchi boned in 1978. He is the same age as me. He combined 3 novels and made a unique movie. In the movie, the hero found out his wife was cheating on him, but he couldn't say anything. One night, he was afraid to go home early because his wife wanted to talk to him. His wife had a stroke. He could come back earlier and maybe his wife would have survived. He lost his precious wife by running away from what he needed to see. Sometimes we did not see what we need to see. There is something to lose by not seeing a delicate problem.
I felt the theater performed in multiple languages in the movie maybe shows the direction of Japan. I realized that I should consider Immigrants that will increase in future Japan.
After that, I read Kadota (2012) and watched the movie "Fukushima 50." It was a documentary about the struggles in the aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear accident. I was so impressed by the book and cried several times. I finally finished the manuscript about the accident on Sunday. There is a lot of information on the accident, so I decided to put them in the next chapter.
On 3/20 (Sun), I joined Boston Tennis Club. My back pain disappeared.