3/21 (Mon) - 3/27 (Sun): Heisei era / Interviewed with Sekiya-san / Gen Z forum

I almost finished writing a general history after the 311 disasters. I wrote about Germany's energy conversion, Japanese energy policy after the accident, and summing up the Heisei era with various sources. It required a lot of time, and I should continue to rewrite this section, however, I also should start preparing a presentation at Japan Forum. 

On 3/21(Mon), I interviewed with my old friend Sekiya-san. He told me his regret about his research before the 311 disasters. He mentioned "隣の芝は青く見える (The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence)" when I talked about differences between US and JP. It was about two hours and became an impressive opportunity.

On 3/22 (Tue), I participated JFK Seminar "How Gen Z shapes Our Political Future." Orion Jean, Time Magazine's 2021 Kid of the Year, was amazing.

From 3/23 (Wed) to 3/27 (Sun), I read a lot of books and papers. Summing up the Heisei era was a special experience for me. I experienced and felt a lot of things during the 30 years. I was 11 years old at the beginning, and I became 41 years old at the end.