8/15(Mon) - 8/21(Sun): From Strength to Strength / Daniel Aldrich-sensei

Arthur Brooks has been the president of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) for many years, before joining the Harvard Kennedy School and Business School. Brooks recently published "From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life."  Although it is pretty deviant in the contents of my book, I read the book and wrote out some of its descriptions with the aim of expanding and deepening the meaning of disasters.

Along the way, I visited Professor Daniel Aldrich of Northeastern University. He talked to me about the time of Hurricane Katrina and the project he is currently working on.

This week, I had dinner with Lee-sensei of Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Fujiki-san of the Harvard Yenching Institute, Mizuno-san of the Reischauer Institute, and Matsuoka-kun and Hamanaka-kun, who are schoolmates at Keio University. On Sunday, I played my last tennis at Boston Tennis Club.