1/16 (Mon) - 1/22 (Sun): Finished all fall semester lectures / Apple Watch

I finished all fall semester lectures. Six lectures per week were really hard. This week, I prepared and conducted the final exam for the disaster environment lecture. On Friday, I conducted a practical lecture about basic machine learning. Then, I scored on the final exam and mid-exam for policy sciences. I found some interesting ideas for new labs at my school. 

On Thursday, I bought an apple watch ultra. This is my first apple watch. I found some new functions of apple stuff. I tried to measure my sleep conditions and walking data. Using Suica by apple watch is smooth and Displaying a lot of information is useful.  I have been too busy to go to the gym for two weeks. I did some strength training at the gym on Sunday and had a sauna. Also, I reserved a family ski trip at the beginning of Feb.