On Monday, I felt sick, so I took the day off. In the evening, my son and I finished making an advanced Lego car that I bought in Boston. It took about 200 procedures.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, I wrote 3 pages about Protezione Civile in Italy.
On Thursday, I spent the day supervising exams.
On Friday, I wrote a final closing description. I finished writing the manuscript. However, I did not write anything about climate change, so I decided to add it to Chapter 2. I plan to add about 5 more pages next week.
On Saturday, I met again with Prof. Gordon, Prof. Nakamura, Prof. Iokibe, and Prof. Asano and their family in Roppongi.
On Sunday, I went to church with my daughter, had lunch with my neighbor, and went to a concert in the evening. I forgot to take pictures about that.