4/24 (Mon) - 5/23 (Tue) First Drafts Delivered / Statistics May Issue Published / Society for Integrated Risk Management

I have been busy and have not updated my diary for a long time.

During Golden Week, I reviewed Professor Iokibe's comments and revised the manuscript of Part 1. I rewrote the introduction. I wrote the Boston memory as an introduction. I adjusted the description of Article IX, Section 2 of the Constitution by referring to Ashibe's Constitution. Regarding the expression of Dower's subordinate independence, I adjusted the expression to the Japanese choice of lightly armed and economically oriented principle with reference to Shinichi Kitaoka's A Political History of Modern Japanese. I read Ohara's Taisho Earthquake and captured his description of the media at the time of the Manchurian Incident. Also, I read Ryoichi Tobe's Paradox of the Army. I added information on the number of applicants for cadet and army pre-college courses as an effect of the Manchurian Incident (and Kanto Earthquake.) I received the first copy of the book manuscript, but since it will still take time to proofread it, I asked Nakagawa-san to postpone the deadline. 

During this time, I submitted a paper for the ISSS spring conference, " Disaster Response History and Utilization of the Japan Disaster Digital Archive," and my article "Disaster Response History and Utilization of the Japan Disaster Digital Archive" was published on Statistics

On 5/7, I visited Asano-sensei's home near Waseda University with Gordon-sensei and Naofumi-sensei. On 5/11, I made a presentation about my research at the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention. On 5/12, I submitted a joint research plan for the Institute of Social Research. The plan is to examine disaster response and social conditions and structures before and after the disaster with members from sociology, law, cultural anthropology, urban studies, history, and other fields. Then, I hosted a workshop to discuss the creation of the lab, inviting various guests. Twenty to thirty people gathered, including Kawasaki City Hall, Fujitsu, Odakyu, Shimizu Octo, Tokyu Sekkei, local residents, students, and alumni.  In the evening, I had dinner with Kato-san, Yamamoto-san, and Takanabe-san at Shin-Yurigaoka. 

On 5/18, I talked about JDA with Gordon-sensei and Nagamatsu-san at the Tokyo office of the NIED. 5/19, I participated as a speaker at a symposium of the Society for Integrated Risk Management. I talked about disaster and economics with Watanabe-sensei(Meikodai), Syukuwa-sensei(Teikyo), and Obayashi-sensei(Keio). On 5/20, I went to a regular meeting of the Consensus Design Association. On 5/21, I listened to Gordon-sensei's web seminar on Tokyo College. I learned that it is rather important to accumulate various views and dialogues about the Fukushima nuclear power plant, which is becoming an industrial heritage, from now on.